Gordon-Fletcher-Macdonald Genealogical Database

Link Creation

This form will allow you to create a link from Abraham Jackson in the Gordon-Fletcher-Macdonald database to the same person in another database or to your e-mail address. This link will then become a permanent part of this online database. Anyone who views the record for Abraham Jackson in the future will see the link you have entered. If the link is to another database, the user will be able to instantly see this other record and compare the information in the two databases. If the link is to an e-mail address, the link will allow users to send you an e-mail message for further information.

This form also contains security procedures to prevent malware robots from creating links in the database

Add a link for Abraham Jackson to an e-mail address.

Please enter your name:

Please enter your e-mail address:

Please fill out the Link Verification section below, and then click Save Link

Add a link for Abraham Jackson to another database.

Please enter the name of the other database:

Please enter the location (URL) for the person in the other database:
(Please enter full URL, e.g. http://www.macdonda.spaceports.com/genealogy/Macdonald/Macdonald.htm)

Please fill out the Link Verification section below, and then click Save Link

Link Verification

Please check the box below and fill in the edit box as instructed to ensure that you are not a robot trying to edit this database.

I am not a robot

Please enter the text "Really, I'm not a robot" (without the quotes):

Return to the master Gordon-Fletcher-Macdonald index.

Please send corrections, additions or comments to Douglas A. Macdonald
Created by IGMLink Version 2.4 (Program Information)
Copyright 1996 © Tim Doyle
A component of the Indexed GEDCOM Method of GenWeb authoring
Database access provided by Spaceports