Ancestors of Janet Scott

Number of generations:
                     /--Francis Scott  b. 11 May 1645 d. 7 Mar 1712
             /--William Scott  b. 23 Sep 1674 d. 8 Oct 1725
             |       \--Henrietta Ker  b. 2 Feb 1653 d. 30 Jun 1741
     /--William Joseph Scott  b. 6 Apr 1701 d. 1733
     |       |       /--John Brisbain  b. Abt 1659
     |       \--Elizabeth Brisbin  b. Abt 1682 d. 11 Aug 1705
     |               \--Margaret Naper  b. Abt 1650
Janet Scott  b. Abt 1732
     |               /--James Turnbul  b. 7 Jan 1648 d. Aft 1672
     |       /--William Turnbull  b. 10 Jul 1674
     |       |       \--Malie Isabella Douglas  b. 1640 d. Aft 1672
     \--Janet Turnbull  b. 14 Jul 1700 d. 1733
             |       /--Allexander Gray  b. 24 Mar 1631 d. 9 May 1679
             \--Bessie Gray  b. 21 Oct 1677
                     \--Lilias Pursall  b. 13 Oct 1635 d. 7 Oct 1707

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