Ancestors of Eleanor Bumpas

Number of generations:
                     /--Edward Bumpasse  b. Abt 1605 d. 3 Apr 1693
             /--John Bumpus  b. 2 Jun 1636 d. 17 May 1715
             |       \--Hannah Annable  b. 1602 d. 12 Feb 1693
     /--Edward Bumpas  b. 16 Sep 1688 d. 14 Nov 1745
     |       \--Sarah Hunter  b. 1649 d. 1710
     |               \--Rebecca Bearse 
Eleanor Bumpas  b. 8 May 1729 d. 29 May 1813
     |               /--John Rayment  b. Abt 1622 d. 18 Jan 1703
     |       /--John Rayment  b. Abt 1648 d. 5 Jun 1725
     |       |       \--Rachel Scruggs  b. Bef 23 May 1627 d. 2 May 1666
     \--Martha Raymond  b. 11 Aug 1692 d. 17 Aug 1766
             |       /--John Woodin  b. 1630 d. 29 May 1678
             \--Martha Woodin  b. 12 Feb 1654 d. Aft 14 Jun 1722
                     \--Mary Johnson  b. 1630 d. 12 Feb 1681

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