Ancestors of Janet Scott

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Francis Scott
b. 11 May 1645
d. 7 Mar 1712
William Scott
b. 23 Sep 1674
d. 8 Oct 1725
Henrietta Ker
b. 2 Feb 1653
d. 30 Jun 1741
William Joseph Scott
b. 6 Apr 1701
d. 1733
John Brisbain
b. Abt 1659
Elizabeth Brisbin
b. Abt 1682
d. 11 Aug 1705
Margaret Naper
b. Abt 1650
Janet Scott
b. Abt 1732
James Turnbul
b. 7 Jan 1648
d. Aft 1672
William Turnbull
b. 10 Jul 1674
Malie Isabella Douglas
b. 1640
d. Aft 1672
Janet Turnbull
b. 14 Jul 1700
d. 1733
Allexander Gray
b. 24 Mar 1631
d. 9 May 1679
Bessie Gray
b. 21 Oct 1677
Lilias Pursall
b. 13 Oct 1635
d. 7 Oct 1707

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Copyright 1996 © Randy Winch
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