Ancestors of Leon Herbert Hammond

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Orville Thomas Hammond
b. 1822
d. 5 Mar 1899
Picture OscarDaviloHammond.jpgOscar DeVillo Hammond
b. 29 Nov 1847
d. 11 Mar 1938
Mary Jane Kelly
b. 1822
d. 24 Nov 1891
Leon Herbert Hammond
b. 28 Feb 1874
James Gordon
James Gordon
b. Mar 1752
d. 9 Dec 1844
Annie Kastorn
Picture JamesGordonIII.jpgJames Gordon
b. 30 Oct 1783
d. 24 Oct 1868
Thomas Tarbell =>
b. 2 Feb 1719
d. 19 Feb 1796
Jerusha Tarbell
b. 25 Sep 1753
d. 8 Mar 1834
Ester Smith
b. 20 May 1719
d. 1792
Picture FordyceFosterGordon.jpgFordyce Foster Gordon
b. 24 Feb 1819
d. 7 Feb 1908
Henry Bowen =>
b. 9 Mar 1749
d. 8 Dec 1830
Isaac Bowen
b. 9 Apr 1771
d. 26 Feb 1845
Lydia Fowler =>
b. 7 Feb 1753
d. 8 Jul 1806
Picture AbigailBowen.jpgAbigail Bowen
b. 6 Nov 1791
d. 17 May 1868
Simeon Wight
Nancy Smith Wight
b. 28 Jun 1772
d. 12 Apr 1859
Picture BlancheEugeneGordon.jpgBlanche Eugene Gordon
b. 14 Mar 1845
d. 16 Jan 1922
Robert Smith
b. 1755
d. Abt 1827
George Smith
b. Abt 1790
d. 26 Aug 1836
b. Abt 1755
Picture SarahAnnSmith.jpgSarah Ann Smith
b. 22 May 1819
d. 22 Aug 1870
Nathaniel Lyon =>
b. 6 Feb 1728
d. 6 Sep 1805
Ebenezer Lyon
b. 5 Apr 1763
d. 4 Apr 1829
Sally Merriman
b. 1742
d. 12 Jun 1831
Picture SarahLyon.jpgSarah "Sally" Lyon
b. 22 May 1800
d. 5 Nov 1867
Abraham Jackson =>
b. 16 Jan 1726
d. 18 Sep 1791
Chloe Jackson
b. 21 Jan 1766
d. 6 Feb 1849
Eleanor Bumpas =>
b. 8 May 1729
d. 29 May 1813

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